Saturday, July 14, 2007

Que es??

Adivina, adivinador...


Doris said... siquiera Miroslava y Cia. van a arriesgar? Se supone que esto es interactivo... :)

Anonymous said...

Bueno aqui va la opinion de Miroslava: es un scrible :)

Es un gusano de costado con las patas despeinadas!

Es una tira cuneiforme!

Doris said...

Usted ha acertado (por lo de la escritura antigua)! Esta es la tira que il dottore Aecio ayudo a descifrar alla lejos y hace tiempo...el Dr
Shea es el autor de este dibujo y menciona a Aecio en este articulo: TeSources/02-Exodus/Text/Articles/Shea-TabletDeirAlla1-AUSS.pdf
Shea dice:
"My own interest in these tablets dates to a seminar I taught at
Andrews University in the Spring term of 1985. A graduate student
in that seminar, Aecio Cairus from Argentina, undertook a study of
the Deir cAlla tablets for his research project. I did not encourage him in this undertaking because at the time I considered the tablets undecipherable. Cairus persevered, however, and eventually convinced me that he had indeed identified seven more letters of this script beyond those identified by earlier researchers. Because of the difficulty of the script, this was a remarkable achievement."

El texto reza:
Translation of Text I:
(la) "To you (have come) a smiter and a finisher,
(lb) and they (are) the smiters of Pethor."
?? Como dijo???